Hans Christian Andersen

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Hans Christian Andersen

When he was boy Hans Christian Andersen loved to make up stories He would sit for hours in the tiny yard at home, with his mother's apron over his head to keep out the sun He invented plays for his dolls, and even made a toy theatre for them! Hans was born in 1805 in Odense, a town in Denmark His father was a shoemaker, and his mother a washerwoman. They were so poor that they had only one room. But being poor did not bother Hans. He was a dreamer, and found magic all around him. Hans never played with other boys. They were rough, and made fun of his lanky legs and his strange stories. He liked to be alone, reading books or playing with his doll theatre. when he was seven, Hans saw his first real play, at the town theatre. He was entranced. There and then he decided to become a famous actor.

Image result for hans christian andersenAt the age of fourteen, Hans climbed aboard a coach clutching a bundle of clothes Soon he was rattling out of Odense He was on his way to Copenhagen, Denmark's capital city He was bursting with hope and excitement. His life in the theatre was about to begin. But it seemed that no-one wanted poor Hans. The director of Copenhagen's theatre told him he was too thin and clumsy to be an actor. Others thought he was mad They laughed at this strange boy in his wide hat, frilly shirt and enormous boots Now Hans had no money. In despair, he knocked at the door of a well- known musician. The musician was having a party, but he invited Hans in.

The quests watched as Hans danced. sang and recited poems Then they clapped and cheered "He will go far!" said one. They gave Hans money, and the musician promised him free singing lessons Perhaps his dream would come true after all. Hans worked hard. He went to his singing lessons, and even learned to dance.No good. Everyone told him he would never be graceful or handsome But it was enough to be a success on the stage. Now Hans had another idea. He was good at making up stories. Perhaps he could become a famous writer! In a rush, he wrote a play -then another - and another. But nobody liked them.

Image result for hans christian andersen The trouble was that Hans had learned very little at school. His writing was messy and is spelling was dreadful. But now came the luckiest moment of his life. He met Jonas Collin, a director in the theatre Collin took pity on him, and paid for him to go to a grammar school So at the age of seventeen, Hans started proper schooling. He hated it! He was much older than the other pupils, and too big to sit comfortably at his desk. Worse still was the headmaster, Dr Meisling He was a fierce and bad-tempered man, who shouted at Hans, calling him stupid and lazy For the rest of his life, Hans had nightmares about the terrible Dr Meisling.

It was a happy day for Hans when he left school and began to study at Copenhagen University. Jonas Collin still looked after him. Hans went to Collin's home every day, and became close friends with his children. For the first time in his life, he was part of a big, happy family.

Related imageHans spent every spare moment writing. And at last, he was a success His first book sold well Then one of his plays was performed at the city's biggest theatre. He began work an a long story By the summer of 1829, Hans had earned enough money to take a holiday He made a tour of Denmark. One day, he called at a friend's house, where he met a pretty girl named Riborg Voigt. Hans fell madly in love with her. He and Riborg went on walks and short one. Riborg boating trips Hans wrote poems for her But the love affair was decided to marry someone else, and Hans was heart-broken. Over the next three years, Hans became a well-known writer. His poems. plays and stories sold all over Denmark. Now he wanted to see more of the world. The Danish king granted him enough money for a long trip abroad. So Hans set out on his next great adventure. First he went to Germany then to France Paris, the capital of France, seemed to be a wonderland, with its grand buildings and milling crowds. Here, Hans met other famous writers and composers.

He travelled on to Italy. This was even more wonderful! Hans loved Rome so much that he staved there for four months, looking at the churches and ancient ruins He toid a friend that the city "has opened my eyes to beauty" There was plenty of fun as well. During Rome's great carnival, crowds filled the streets dancing. singing and throwing confetti at each other. Back in Copenhagen, Hans settled down to a cosy life in his little apartment. His poems and stories had made him famous all over Europe. But so far all his books had been for grown-ups.

Now he was ready to try something quite different. Each morning he sat in front of a crackling fire, wearing his dressing gown and brightly-coloured slippers. The tea kettle hissed gently on the table. Hans day- dreamed, just as he had done when he was a child. All sorts of things came into his head - strange stories, and funny people he had met or seen. Hans began to write down the stories, putting the funny people into them.



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